Primary Logo: (Horizontal)

This is the primary logo for CPS. Every logo version stems from this original design. The font used is: Karla Bold. The dark purple color and lettering color is: hex#454777, R:69, G:71, B:119 and C:84, M:79, Y:27, K:12 and Pantone: 5265 C or M. The lighter lavender color is: hex#5965af, R:89, G:101, B:175 and C:73, M65, Y:0, K:0 and Pantone: 7456 C or M.

Brandmark / Logomark:

The brandmark or logomark represents the symbol part of the logo and is also typically the favicon for the website. The CPS logomark is a circle ( slightly squashed ) with wave lines that are uneven and not symmetrical. The unevenness will become more evident as the logo is used in a larger setting, like say on a sign. Less so on smaller uses.

Vertical Logo

The vertical logo will be used in places where the vertical cannot, i.e square dimension areas.

Web Logo – Mobile

The web logo is smaller and simpler version of the logo that can be reduced from large to small without losing resolution or recognition or readability of the brand.