Please note: American CleanStat was acquired by Thomas Scientific in late 2017 and the website was subsequently integrated into their systems August 2019. The americancleanstat.com URL points to the Thomas Scientific domain now.
See: AmericanCleanStat (4/4/2018) on the WayBack Machine
Project Scope: New eCommerce website and company wide re-branding of all materials including print hand-out brochures, multiple catalogs and everything else. SEO was paramount to the website design as well as an easy navigation. The target customer focus was cleanroom supplies purchasers,
Design Rationale: Color theme stemmed from the logo. Logo was based on American flag colors, red, white and blue. Outside of those colors, clean / cool colors were used including white, light blues, light grays, and light greens. Something to emulate or replicate a cleanroom environment was the direction.
Website Type: eCommerce
Website Platform / Software: Magento 1.7++, Numerous 3rd Party Plugins, Photoshop, Notepad++,
Tech: Apache Server, Nexus Hosting, PHP, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML, etc.
Build / Design Notes: A superstore template for Magento initiated the site design process and customizations started there, particularly with the website header. The header featured a sprite navigation with category icons. This was requested by the customer based on the B&H Photo website ( at that time ) as the model.

Navigation Notes: The secondary navigation on the website was a very powerful feature called a “layered navigation” specific to Magento. This allowed a user to narrow down their site search from category, to subcategory, and then by product attributes / features, and ultimately to the product itself. This required a relational dataset that could be accessed by the site. The layered navigation was an extremely powerful way to narrow down a user’s search and effectively eliminate any unnecessary clicks.

Additional Site Notes: The website featured a customer specific pricing module, and close to 6500 skus, many with parent/child relationships, as shown below. The site was designed to maximize search engine optimization, capture new business and support existing customers.
Additional Site Notes:
Utilizing Magento’s inherent MVC architecture for navigation optimization, the site achieved significant search engine penetration once the product data and images were upgraded to a more competitive and descriptive format. Product data and images were a significant challenge to the project because the previous data and imagery were either insufficient to be competitive on the web or non-existent altogether.
Products, customer data and pricing were internally managed and maintained, until late 2017 when an API was built to connect the ERP to the website. However, because the ERP was so antiquated, it proved to be impractical to connect more than just a simple field update.
All security updates, new extensions, navigational and architectural changes were managed internally and later on externally by Studio531.
Supplemental Marketing Materials
A three page brochure was requested for handouts to potential customers by sales representatives. The print layout reflected the website design to help reinforce the brand and eliminate any customer confusion.

After Reliable Safety Supplies was purchased by American CleanStat a Safety Equipment catalog was requested. This additionally reflected the brand coloration theme and graphics of the website and the 3-page sales brochure.

Private Label Brand Catalog
A private label product catalog was requested for XtraClean. Featuring about 20 products including booties, masks, gloves and frocks, this catalog supplemented the 3-page brochure and enabled the company to sell products at an increased margin over the typical distribution margin for most of the other products.